
Showing posts from March, 2021

You'll Put Your Eye Out

     In the nature of this blog, being inspired to create by everyday. I scratched my face while playing basketball with my family in our front yard. I ducked under a bush to get the ball and failed to see a branch and scratched my face.      It isn't a bad scratch but I thought it would be funny to take some pictures of the scratch on my face. It might have been a little more dramatic if I had done it right away but I waited a day or so to do it. The photos turned in to less about the scratch and more about the textures on my face, the scratch, skin, eyelashes, eyebrows and eye.

City Hike

     Got out this weekend for a hike around Richmond with Hal from weaverwerx . It was a beautiful day and great company.      We came across this train bridge after we came up from walking along the canal before we headed into Manchester to find a pint.