
Showing posts from May, 2021

Ripples of Shadow

T he light coming in the window through a glass bowl caught my eye. I tried to get close to the texture to make it more abstract. The glass cast the light in a pretty blue light but I thought black & white would lend to the abstract nature of the image, plus I just like B&W photos.

ooh Piece of Candy

I have never seen a ladybug this deep shade of red. As it sat on this green leaf it really stood out and drew my eye. I have seen plenty of red ladybugs even yellow ones but this deep read really made this lady bug look like a piece of candy.

Clover in the window


Spring Colors

Enjoying all the blooms in the front yard. The weather has been nice and I have been watering.

Back at the farm

A nice day up at Meadow Farm.


Took my son out to an event at the Visual Art Center. They had spin art, yard looms, sculpting and Shrinky Dinks. My son thoroughly enjoyed himself. Not just because he got out of the house but because he got to be a kid and make art. I even took some time to create my own little still life of texture and the tools on the sculpting table. We ended the night outside Can Can in Carytown. It was a nice night to sit outside and have a drink and watch the people come out.

Never get out of the boat!

But sometimes you do need to get out of the car. Life gets so busy and I get caught up going from one thing to the next and don't enjoy the ride... the world around me. Thinking about this blog makes me think twice when I see something that catches my eye as an image to catch. It is easy to keep driving or thing the light is right or I don't have time, next time. I drove by this building three times before I stopped on the way back the fourth time. Granted I was on my way to an appointment both times and had to be somewhere but I need to make time.  The light was not ideal I didn't have the best camera but I did stop and take in the world and stole my moment.

Grasping for Light

All photography is capturing light or sometimes lack of light. But without light we would have nothing to see. I was in my back yard when I saw the evening light shining through these  mahonia leaves. It can be hard to capture the beauty of light sometimes… but fun all the same.


This is an old image I took years ago of the Virginia Science Museum. The museum is housed in an old train station back when the trains would come right into Richmond and trollies ruled Broad Street. I like how the museum reflected off the water flowing over the Kugel. The reflection bends around and gives the building an odd perspective.