
Showing posts from April, 2021

Still Spring

A round this time of year it seems things have grown many inches over night or popped up all together from nothing. Fun time of year to capture the change.

Starting the Day Off Right

Is it the coffee, is it spring, or have I just had more time? I have certainly posted more relative to past weeks or months. I have seen more images to capture and taken the time to do so. This is one reason I am doing this so it is progress.

Changing Season

I t is almost that time of year. The mulberry tree is starting to bloom and the berries will not be far behind.      Last year my family and I started stopping by this mulberry tree on our family bike rides. The tree will be full of birds picking the berries and families standing bellow picking them as well.     We did notice they had trimmed the tree branches up so not as many human families will be getting the sweet, and sometimes tart, berries. Crump Park has some cool old buildings and lots of pretty trees. We have always liked going up there for different evens or just to walk or ride around.  

The Pets

When Light Collides with Stella      As the light came in and Stella looked at me I took the moment to take this shot. Stella likes to sit on the back of the couch and soak in the afternoon light coming in the back door. Through the Looking Screen Door      Bailey looked so sweet looking through the screen door. Originally I wanted to capture the image because of the noir look of of the composition. She is a black dog with light brown, more gray now, markings on her face. All around her was black and her face stood out of the darkness. All I had on me was my phone so I couldn't adjust much "in camera" so I didn't get the image I had in my head. Not that I always do with a real camera with all the adjustments and settings. But I do like the texture of the final image.

Watching Nature Unfold

     From March 22nd to April 13th I have taken this series of photos of this Dogwood in my backyard. It was enjoyable to see nature unfold before my eyes. It was also nice to see because this didn't have many flowers last year. I was worried it wouldn't make it.