
Showing posts from June, 2024
No drones were hurt, crashed or other wise used in the making of these photos. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro \They were made the old fashioned way, walk out on to a balcony of a hotel room. The first time I went to Huston TX I was surprised to see so many trees. Not tall towering trees compared "normal" trees but compared to other areas of Texas I have seen these were gigantic and in great numbers. Night and Day I liked the comparsison of these photos, also of this scene day to day. I took a lot of photo os this scene, probably too many. When I saw this scene of these guys power washing this stair case I thought it could be a good shot but didn't hink I could capture it with my phone camera. I wished I had my "real" camera with me but i didn't want to miss the shot. I think it turend out alright, probably could have been better but I still like the shot. It will always remind me of a time in my life.

Rice University

While walking around Rice University we came across these arches and walkways. I really liked the repetitive shapes of that arches as well as the geometric shapes of the lawn and interesting sidewalks with the detailed capitals of the columns. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro I usually like the more contrasty dark black Black & White images. for these two I decided to edit one lighter and one darker. I think the smooth curves of ceiling in the arched walk way lent itself to the lightness of that edit. 


Sometimes you* can look back thorugh old photos and finds some you had forgetten about but tafter seeing them remember them and remember being excited about getting home and editing them. But ince you get home life happens and you forget about them. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro   * by "you" I mean me.

Church Hill

Libby Hill Park has some great views of Richmond. I have been out there a couple times around sunset and their are groups of people looking off over the city enjoying the setting sun. Sometimes picking between similar shots is hard to do. Sometimes I don't want to choose so I will let you... ...One or Two One or Two One or Two

Houston June 2022

These were taken in June on a trip to Houston TX. It is very hot down there in June so we did do a lot of walking at night. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro McGovern Centennial Gardens I walked by this house several times and always thought it looked like a face. Hopefully you can not unsee that face now.  

Backyard Leaves

One leaf was holding some water but the light had to hit it just right to be really noticeable. However I couldn't find a composition that I liked for the correct angle to catch the light on the water. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro I did like this more abstract shot that I felt lent itself to black and white  

New York

 Brooklyn, Central parks and other locations of my wondering. Kit: iPhone Pro 12 Spent about a week in New York in 2022. Now I am continuing my re-edit or first time edits of old pictures.