No drones were hurt, crashed or other wise used in the making of these photos.

Kit: iPhone 12 Pro

\They were made the old fashioned way, walk out on to a balcony of a hotel room.

The first time I went to Huston TX I was surprised to see so many trees. Not tall towering trees compared "normal" trees but compared to other areas of Texas I have seen these were gigantic and in great numbers.

Night and Day

I liked the comparsison of these photos, also of this scene day to day. I took a lot of photo os this scene, probably too many.

When I saw this scene of these guys power washing this stair case I thought it could be a good shot but didn't hink I could capture it with my phone camera. I wished I had my "real" camera with me but i didn't want to miss the shot. I think it turend out alright, probably could have been better but I still like the shot. It will always remind me of a time in my life.


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