
Showing posts from February, 2021

Tool of my Father

My family and I went out on an Orienteering Course this weekend. I have never done this before and not even sure that is what it is called. I will say it was fun and we all enjoyed it. We were at Pocahontas State Park. We had a map warm clothes, the wrong shoes for the soggy ground and my father's pocket transit. The instructions said to orientate our map once we got to the starting point with a compass. So I pulled out the transit and much to my surprise east was on the left side and west was on the right. I had spent my whole life thinking I lived on the east cost of America, apparently I was wrong. Or I had no idea how to read this thing. Turned out to be the later. Turns out transits are direct read devices unlike the compasses I had used all my life. I had always found this to be an interesting device with its dials, levels, sights and whatever all the other bits a pieces are. Now that I have looked up why they put the letters in the

Set Aside

     This photo was taken at Can-Can in Richmond. It is a French style restaurant with interesting architectural and design features. I found this image while my wife and I had gone out for some adult time for her birthday. While walking around Carytown I had to stop in to use the bathroom. On my way out I found the long hall way with all the chairs set to one side an interesting picture.      The restaurant had taken all these chairs out of the dinning room to adhere to social distancing guidelines. It isn't blatant reference to the COVID-19 pandemic but a subtle reference all the same. So much has changed in the way we interact and do business this past year. Who knows how long it will last and what will go back to the old norms and what new norms have been created.      In the end this is a picture that my brain told me I should take. I am glad I took the time to take it and I hope it turned out.

Snow Day

      I still enjoy snow. Maybe it is because in this part Virginia we don't get it that often. But it always makes me happy to see it, go out in it and even drive in it.      I had been looking for an image to capture since I made my last post. Once the snow started falling I started looking even more to find an image to capture the moment. As with always not all of them framed up like I had hoped or I was unable to capture the image I saw in my mind. I chose to go with this more abstract image if these tire tracks coming into my drive way.  I like the lines, texture and the small oval of a man cover.

Everyday Art

  Finding art in everyday life, being inspired to make art in everyday life, seeing the world around me with a more artistic eye. These are the goals of this blog. My friend Hal over at weaverwerx has gently nudged  me in this direction again. This photo was taken on the Buttermilk trail in Richmond VA. Will everything going on this past year my family and I have been taking the opportunity to get outdoors and hike, ride bikes and enjoy nature since the general public is off limits..