A hike in the mountains

 We took a little trip over the long weekend. It was nice to get out for a hike in the mountains again.


I had very high hopes for this photo when I took it. Not sure I quite saw my vision come to fruition. Sometimes they grown in me and some times I keep working them until I get it right. Then their are the times I just give up.
It is all part of the process.

The Mountain Laurel where out in full. They were beautiful spread across the understory of the woods.

This shot was taken from much higher and then cropped in to this composition. I liked the contrast of the rock, ferns and tree. However once I started looking at the photo it was to busy and didn’t have a distinct flow. 

I am still not happy with the contrast. It looked much greater to me at the time. I think I will try to rework, play with the white balance to see if their is too much of a green cast on everything from the vegetation.


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