Never knew it existed

 I never thought to see if it existed…

I think all of my generation have the story of Sleepy Hollow ingrained into our consciousness from a young age thanks to the animated Disney version of this classic tale. I am not sure this was true of younger generations until Tim Burton’s live action version in 1999. That being said, Sleepy Hollow was not actually a real place until 1996.

As my family does when traveling north we took the train. Amtrak to Manhattan and then the subway to the Metro North line into the Hudson Valley. Traveling this way does take a little longer but we quite enjoy it and it is that many less hours I can get a speeding ticket.

Going back to my generation I came about before digital photography and digital editing. Once it came I fully embraced Photoshop. Even though I do miss the darkroom, chemicals and red light I went head first into the digital era. I always tried to keep up with the trends and abilities of Photoshop. When Lightroom was born I always wanted to dig in and learn all it had to offer but I always reverted to my old friend Photoshop as the old dog that I am. I knew how to achieve what I wanted to achieve and get it done quickly. But when I was not editing photos I wanted to do it in Lightroom.

I am trying to commit to it now and learn it the best I can. I have edited all these images in Lightroom. Sadly I took these all with my phone rather than with a “real” camera. I told you I was that old.

I am having some issues with my “real’ camera at the moment. My autofocus had stopped working on my lens and my old eyes make it hard for me to rely on to focus. I have recently gotten an adaptor to attach my father’s old 60-70 canon lenses to my DSLR. Once I am comfortable with this idea I hope to add some vintage digital images to this site.


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