Meadow Farm

Meadow Farm - circa.. 1810

Kit: D5100 Canon 28mm 3.5 with Fotodiox Adapter

The Set up

This was one of my fist attempts at using this 1960/70 Canon 28mm 1.2 lens I got from my father. To mount this to my Nikon DLSR I used a Fotodiox adaptor. I had learned from my outing with the 55mm lens and I think I did better on the focus.

The Process

I have visited this park many times over the years and I really enjoy it. They have lots of events and trails to hike and or bike on. My son and I, and our two little dogs, were just out for a walk and i brought my camera to test out how well I was learning zone focusing and how to use this vintage lenses over all.

The Issues

I had less issues this trip than the previous one.. except I had noticed to spots on my sensor. So I cleaned it and didn't do a very good job. I actually made it worse. I had quite a few unusable images because of the mess I made of the sensor. Lesson learned make sure when you clean the sensor you actually clean the sensor.



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