
Showing posts from May, 2024

They call me the searcher

Kit: Nikon18-200mm Lens on Nikon D5100 I have been looking for a better way to process black and white images for a while now, maybe ever since I stopped shooting black and white film. I have found getting inky black has been elusive. I can across a video on YouTube by Serge Ramelli saying Do this! if you want some Ansel Adam Black and White Style. Well I had to click on that and give it a shot. I do like the results so far. I have reedited these images and do like them better than my original edits. Here are links to the some of  original posts: Back to black and white FAIL Back to BLACK and white  

The Everyday

Kit: Nikon18-200mm Lens on Nikon D5100 Every time I drive past this place I think it would be an interesting place to photograph. Today I stopped and took a photo, wasn't the best light and I didn't take much time to find a good composition. One I was in a hurry to get back home and two sometimes I get nervous taking photos in to a business especially a more industrial one. They might think I am looking for safety violations or something. The latter is probably just in my head but it is there just the same. I noticed this house down a narrow driveway and thought it was an interasting looking house. Couldn't see much of it but it looks old and secluded eventhough it is right off the road. Not sure todays photoshoot obtained any great photos but I stopped and took some rather than dive by and just think about taking a photo and maybe I found some subjects to revisit.

Meadow Farm Revisited

Kit: Nikon18-200mm Lens on Nikon D5100 I revisited some photos from Meadow farm with a different look of color grading. For right now I am liking this color grading and I am liking this photo more now then when i first looked at it. When I took this image I thought I would like it but when I got home I was not as happy with it. The fluidity of art can be fun and frustrating all at the same time.

End of the road

 Looking for it in the simple everyday. Kit: iPhone 12 Pro I walk past this often but today it struck me differently. I had wished it had better light on the scene at the time. I like the way it looks but would like to catch it during different light as well.

Back at the farm

I really like the textures of these buildings and keep returning to them, because they are convenient and their are so many angles and compositions to find. Kit: Nikon D5100, iPhone 12 Pro

Close Look at the Mountain

These are some images from 2019 on a trip to West Virginia. I liked the textures in these images and tried playing with the colors to bring them out. Kit: Nikon D5100 Sigma 18-200mm f3.5 DC OS HSM

Getting Close

 These images are from 2016. Kit: Nikon D5100, Nikon AF S DX 35mm f1.8 I like the abstract nature of this one and I think the colors emphasize this as well. I like the texture of these leaves an the light. I had a lot of different shots of these leaves, it seems I was playing with this f 1.8 lens and depth of field.

Hike from 2015

 I have recently gone through some old photos on a hard drive. So the next couple posts will be of some of theses images. It is fun to look back at old photo and reedit or find ones you originally didn't like. If I can find previous posts of these images I will link to them. Kit: Nikon D5100, Sigma 18-200 F3.5 DC OS HSM These images are from a trip I took up to Wintergreen Resort outside of Charlottesville Va.

Searching for Composition

Sometimes a place looks like it should be a good subject for a photograph but just can’t find the right composition. This field seems like that place, it has a lot of nice elements and looks pretty when I walk by but I can’t seem to get a photo I really like. In analyzing and taking these photos and thinking about the others I have tried I’m thinking it is lack of a middle ground that could be the problem. I need a big cow or group of sheep out there. But I’m moving forward with my post anyways… One day I might get the shot that I think is the one here or maybe one day I’ll look back think an older one is the one.