The Everyday

Kit: Nikon18-200mm Lens on Nikon D5100

Every time I drive past this place I think it would be an interesting place to photograph. Today I stopped and took a photo, wasn't the best light and I didn't take much time to find a good composition. One I was in a hurry to get back home and two sometimes I get nervous taking photos in to a business especially a more industrial one. They might think I am looking for safety violations or something.

The latter is probably just in my head but it is there just the same.

I noticed this house down a narrow driveway and thought it was an interasting looking house. Couldn't see much of it but it looks old and secluded eventhough it is right off the road.

Not sure todays photoshoot obtained any great photos but I stopped and took some rather than dive by and just think about taking a photo and maybe I found some subjects to revisit.


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