High Bridge

This was another set of images I wanted to edit in black and white. However somewhere in the process I like this color on these images. I think it has that old film look. personally I don't like to add grain to my digital images like many do fir the film look. I think one reason is my camera is old enough there is enough pixilation and digital noise I don't need to add more to the images. the other is an artistic preference and dilemma. Processing images at all changes them from the "reality" of the original capture, but that isn't reality either.  Between the 2D nature of photography, the limited color range of sensors and or film and controlling how much light comes in the camera you are altering how the images looks to the human eye.

So how much I am willing to alter the original look of a scene varies on the image and probably my mood at the time of the shot or processing.

 And sometimes I can't decide during processing either.


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