
Showing posts from December, 2023

Finding the Time

Finding time to take a quick pic isn't to hard but finding time to work on taking good photographs and working on the art of it is hard sometimes. Kit: D5100 Canon 28mm 3.5 with Fotodiox Adapter So while I was running around I made myself stop and take some photos. Usually I either don't bother bring my camera or see a spot to stop but talk myself out of it or can't see a good stop. The buildings by the train tracks I have wanted to stop but never have. I did this time. Now to continue this so I can improve my photography.

Right in my front yard and up the street and around the corner

I recently heard a photographer talking about process of switching to making photography fun and interesting again because it made it harder. I certainly don't need to make photography harder for my self but the excitement for photography that has come with learning how to use my vintage lenses has gotten me back into taking pictures and with the challenges of manual focus and the lack of  the modern features of my DLSR I guess it has made it harder as well. The image above is of a rusted out truck bed or something that I have passed many times and never taken the time to photograph. Wanting to learn how to use the lenses has brought me back to photography. I need to remember to look everywhere for the shot and then the next one.

Meadow Farm

Meadow Farm - circa.. 1810 Kit: D5100 Canon 28mm 3.5 with Fotodiox Adapter The Set up This was one of my fist attempts at using this 1960/70 Canon 28mm 1.2 lens I got from my father. To mount this to my Nikon DLSR I used a Fotodiox adaptor. I had learned from my outing with the 55mm lens and I think I did better on the focus. The Process I have visited this park many times over the years and I really enjoy it. They have lots of events and trails to hike and or bike on. My son and I, and our two little dogs, were just out for a walk and i brought my camera to test out how well I was learning zone focusing and how to use this vintage lenses over all. The Issues I had less issues this trip than the previous one.. except I had noticed to spots on my sensor. So I cleaned it and didn't do a very good job. I actually made it worse. I had quite a few unusable images because of the mess I made of the sensor. Lesson learned make sure

James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace and other travel photos in Houston

About a year ago I saw a place called the James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace on the campus of Rice University in Houston Texas but was unable to stop by and see it.. sunrise is hard to make. You can visit at sunset as well but I hadn't made it then either. The space is located on the camps in a long grassy area between campus buildings. Walking up to it at 6am while it is glowing an orangey red was an interesting experience. There was no one else around and it was very quiet with only some noise from the city and a few bugs. As the morning went on the lights under the roof cycled through different glowing color combinations. It was a very peaceful and relaxing way to spend the morning. The Hobbit CafĂ© is a great little spot in Houston for some food and a drink. We try to visit evetime we are in town. And as we like to walk in the towns we visit we came across this city scene. For better or worse this was  short trip and I didn't bring

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Brook Hill was built in 1860. Kit: D5100 Conon 55mm 1.2 with Fotodiox Adapter The Set up This was one of my fist attempts at using this 1960/70 Canon 55mm 1.2 lens I got from my father. To mount this to my Nikon DLSR I used a Fotodiox adaptor. The Process This was a great location with beautiful trees and grave stones. The building was also very interesting but I didn't get many shots of it and none were that great, next time. I am enjoying shooting with these old lenses despite the learning curve and inherent issues with focusing and the inability to use the cameras light metering or other features of modern cameras. *Zone Focusing is using the aperture and the distance scale on the lens to set up a "zone" that will be in focus. I am still learning and processing this but the way I am currently doing this technique is placing an f stop say f8. On the lens there is scale that corresponds to the lenses f stops. It starts with the highe

The Journey Continues

My journey with vintage lens continues. It is by no means a smooth easy journey but they say it is about the journey and not the destination. Well this journey is going to have a lot of blurry and wrongly exposed images. Kit: Canon FL 28mm 3.5 lens on Nikon D5100 camera body. Zone Focusing: This first image worked pretty well on my initial zone focused image. The rest didn't have the same clarity and depth of field.  Even though the other images didn't come out as well as the first I wanted to try to practice with Lightroom so I have processed them despite the less than desirable focus. For these last three images I did start with the Lightroom presets instead of starting from scratch. This got me to a decent image much quicker and with a better output.  The journey will continue...